Council declared the office of Mayor to be vacant on June 27, 2022 by resolution No. 2022.68.6. As per the Municipal Act 2001, c.25, c.263 (1) (a), Council resolved that it will fill the vacancy by appointing a person who has consented to accept the office if appointed. Council received Report SR-2112 on July 11, 2022 that provided options to fill the vacancy and by resolution No.  2022.69.8 declared that the Office of the Mayor vacancy be filled by appointing a current member of Council. The selection and appointment of a Mayor will take place at the Regular Council meeting scheduled to occur on August 8, 2022 at 7:00 pm; The term of this position is from the date of the Council appointment to the end of this Council term on November 14, 2022.


For further information, please contact the Township Clerk, Debbie Chapman at 613 386 7351 ext. 121 or