Violet Waste Disposal site will be closed on Wednesday, September 18, 2024 from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m.
There are two landfills operated in Loyalist Township; one on Violet Road and one on Amherst Island.
Violet Waste Disposal site
- 1346 Violet Road, Odessa
- Payment type: debit, credit and cash only
Opening days and hours
- Tuesday to Thursday: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
- Four Saturdays per year: 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. - please see the in the municipal calendar for dates
Amherst Island Waste Disposal site
- 145 Dump Road, Stella
- Payment type: no payment types accepted at this time
Opening days and hours
- Wednesday: 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
- Saturday: 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
- Sunday: 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.
- If you bring household garbage to the landfill, you need to either bag it and tag it with a bag tag, or pay a tipping fee for loose items or untagged bags.
- Tipping fees are $125 per tonne, with a minimum $15 charge per visit.
- Tire disposal is recommended through your tire distributor when you have new tires put on your vehicle or with a registered tire collector.
What is not accepted at landfill sites? |
Our landfills are not allowed to accept the following items:
Most building materials can be disposed of through companies in the Yellow Pages, under "Waste - Waste Management". |
Electronic waste |
Both Violet Waste Disposal Site and Amherst Island Waste Disposal Site accept waste electronic items, under the Electrical and Electronic Equipment (EEE) Regulation which designates information technology, telecommunications, audio-visual and lighting equipment as materials where free collection sites must be provided and the producers of these items are responsible for the recycling of their products. Disposing of old electronics properly helps keep them out of landfills because they are transferred to recyclers and end-use processors. It also makes sure that any hazardous components are disposed of responsibly. Here's a list of electronics you can bring to the landfill for recycling:
The Amherstview Fire Station (363 Amherst Drive) offers an e-waste drop off bin under which is located in the rear parking lot of the Fire Station. Please review the list of alternative collection sites where you can drop off materials such as batteries, electronics, tires and other hazardous and special products free of any charge. |
Scrap steel disposal |
Scrap Steel is accepted free of charge at the waste disposal sites in Violet and on Amherst Island. These items are diverted from our landfills to recyclers and end-use processors. Accepted:
Disposal of batteries |
Batteries can be disposed of without charge at any of the battery collection sites listed at Resource Productivity and Recovery Authority (RPRA) which is the Government of Ontario regulator enforcing the province's circular economy laws on the disposal of single use and rechargeable batteries.
Disposal of tires |
Ontario generates more than 12 million used tires annually. To keep those tires out of landfills, tire producers are responsible for ensuring used tires are collected and recycled or reused. Tires can be disposed of through your tire distributor when you have new tires put on your vehicle or at any of the free tire collection sites listed at Resource Productivity and Recovery Authority (RPRA) which is the Government of Ontario regulator enforcing the province's circular economy laws on the disposal of tires from passenger vehicles and light trucks (maximum 10 tires per day from any one person). |
Household hazardous waste
Visit our recycling page for information on how to dispose of household hazardous waste (HHW) such as paint, used oil, batteries, and others.
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